Teaching & Lecturing

To date I have supervised thirteen Masters students and I currently supervise two PhD students.

I have taught on a variety of Masters and undergraduate modules and teach on the MSc wild animal health and wild animal biology at RVC.


I regularly deliver lectures as part of the science communication module on the UCL MRes BEC

I have been a guest lecturer on biology courses and both Leeds University and Queen Mary University London on the topic of African Ecology.

I have delivered guest lectures as part of seminar series at Swansea University, Leeds University and the University of Roehampton.


Conservation Biology

Teaching on this module involves running a number of problem-based learning sessions on topics in conservation biology.

BIOLS0021 – Science communication for biologists (UCL)

I lectured on this module for the MRes Biodiversity and conservation at UCL, on the topic of using social media to communicate science.

BIOLM008 – Species Conservation and Biodiversity (UCL)

Teaching on this module involves assisting with computer labs and teaching species distribution modelling using ArcGIS and MaxEnt and marking their end of term reports.

BIOSG008 – Analytical Tools in Biodiversity, Evolutionary & Conservation Research (UCL)

Teaching on this Masters module involved assisting with computer labs and teaching species distribution modelling using R, QGIS, ArcGIS and MaxEnt.

BIOL1008 – Methods in Ecology and Evolution (UCL)

This course involves running computer labs for 10-12 students. It involves teaching R, ecological and evolutionary theory, and the mathematics involved in analysing data. It also involves assisting struggling students 1-1. This module also involves running and marking quizzes and end of term reports.

BIOL1002 – Quantitative Biology (UCL)

I tutored on this first year Quantitative Biology Course, most of which centered around statistics. This involved marking work and going through the answers with a small group of students each week.


Social media for science communication

I have run workshops on using Twitter for science communication at a number of conferences and events to date.

Communicating your Science

I organised and ran a workshop on communicating your science through social and traditional media in conjunction with the British Ecological Society.

Engaging with Parliament

I assisted in running this one day BES-ZSL organised workshop